WPE Business System Sdn. Bhd.
( 752956-A )
Address :
4-B, Jalan Irving,
10400 Georgetown
Penang Malaysia
Tel: +604-2283868
Fax: +604-2293869
+60194700828 & +60124906261
Email : info@promaster.com.my
Skype : william.tho

WPE Business System Sdn Bhd is a progressive importer and exclusive agent in Malaysia specializing in the marketing of binding & laminating equipment, parts, and materials such as book binding machines, twin ring wires, buffalo cards, press binder, plastic combs, coils, PP covers, OHP films, and laminating films. The company was found in 2001. WPE Business System Sdn. Bhd. has 15 over years of experience in servicing the following dealers and end-users throughout Malaysia:
- Photostat centers
- Gift shops
- Photo shops
- OA shops
- Stationery shops
- Colleges & universities
- Printing Industrial
- Wholesalers Trading
WPE products are uniquely differentiated by its national brand name ProMaster™ which is well recognized as synonymous to quality, durability, and reliability. All our clients are assured of the distinctive product quality, immediate after-sales service, and value-added pricing by WPE when using the ProMaster™ binding and laminating systems. Such augmented offer of ProMaster™ is made possible through the development of strategic alliance between WPE and its dedicated manufacturing supplier, YIDU, in China over years. The WPE-YIDU collaboration would ensure that ProMaster™ continues to be a leading player in the Malaysian binding and laminating industry.
Whether you are our existing clients or prospective customers who are interested in our full range of ProMaster™ binding and laminating systems, please email us at promaster_wpe@yahoo.com for more information on how we could serve you better, faster, and cheaper through our ProMaster™ advantage.